Collaboration with the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) for the education course, Cancer Immunity and Immunotherapy

FOCIS is collaborating with the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) to offer a course on Cancer Immunity and Immunotherapy in advance of FOCIS 2018 on Wednesday, June 20 in San Francisco.

The course will review the scientific basis and current practices of cancer immunotherapy, with emphasis on principles, recent advances as well as prospects, limitations, and future scientific needs.

The course is designed for translational researchers and scientists, practicing clinicians, trainees, and individuals in biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies who are involved in or wish to learn more about immuno-oncology and the development of immunotherapies for cancer.

The course directors are Abul Abbas MD, UCSF and Leisha Emens, MD, PhD, Johns Hopkins University.

Learn more about the course and see the agenda

April 7, 2020