Vazquez Receives Top Scoring FCE Poster at FOCIS 2020

Congratulations to FCE trainee Sara Vazquez, University of California, San Francisco.

Sara Vazquez is the presenting author of the top-scoring poster presented by a FOCIS Center of Excellence (FCE) trainee during the FOCIS 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting on October 28-31, 2020.

The poster presentation was entitled, Identification of Novel, Clinically Correlated Autoantigens in APS1 and Autoimmune Diabetes by Proteome-wide PhIP-Seq.

Please join us in congratulating Sara Vazquez.

The FOCIS Centers of Excellence (FCE) is a network of multidisciplinary academic medical centers that encompass three or more areas of research relevant to clinical immunology and have met the criteria to be designated by FOCIS as FCEs.


Sara Vazquez is an MD/PhD student in the labs of Mark Anderson and Joe Derisi at UCSF. She has worked to improve PhIP-seq protocols to enable scalable autoantibody discovery in a wide variety of disease contexts, including rare monogenic disorders, sporadic autoimmune diabetes, and COVID-related autoimmunity. Prior to medical school, Sara worked in Tom Serwold’s lab at the Joslin Diabetes Center optimizing hematopoietic stem cell isolation in autoimmune-prone mouse strains. She received her undergraduate degree in Stem Cell and Developmental Biology at Harvard College. Her long-term goal is to combine molecular autoantigen discovery with therapeutic approaches for re-establishing immune tolerance in autoimmunity

BioPhoto SVazquez Sara FCE

November 30, 2020