Welcome to Two New FCEs: Clinical Investigation Center in Biotherapy (CIC BT) of France and the Mexican Translational Immunology Research Group (MEXTIRG) of México

Please join us in welcoming the Clinical Investigation Center in Biotherapy (CIC BT) and Mexican Translational Immunology Research Group (MEXTIRG).

FOCIS created the Centers of Excellence (FCE) to accelerate multidisciplinary scientific and clinical innovation and education, worldwide. A FOCIS Center of Excellence is identified as a multidisciplinary group based in an academic institution, and encompassing three or more areas of research relevant to clinical immunology.

Clinical Investigation Center in Biotherapy (CIC BT) at Henri Mondor Medical School and Hospital (AP-HP), Créteil, France Center Director: Professor Jose Cohen, PhD. Within the Henri Mondor University Hospital, the Clinical centers of investigation in biotherapy (CIC-BT 1430) has clearly moved to the field of immune regulation applied to both transplantation and hematological as well as digestive cancers since 2010. For this, the CIC-BT has formed a unique network of fundamental researchers and clinicians, specialized in immunology, hematology, transplantation and / or digestive cancers, gathered with the aim to develop translational research covering from basic research to clinical trials. The CIC-BT relies on (i) patient-derived samples from biological banks and patient cohorts from different clinical departments at Mondor University Hospital, (ii) original and relevant experimental models (mouse and human organ or tumour transplantation in syngeneic immune-competent or immune-deficient mice) developed on different research teams of the site and (iii) therapeutic innovations originating from basic research. 

Mexican Translational Immunology Research Group (MEXTIRG), represented by the Institute of Biotechnology at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico  Center Director: Yvonne Rosenstein, PhD. Their mission is to promote and to carry out multidisciplinary research between basic scientists and clinicians to better understand and treat immune-related diseases, favoring the development of translational immunology in medical research and clinical innovation in Mexico and the Region. Additionally, the FCE will consolidate a platform to further strengthen the existing links of present members of the Center with clinicians and hospitals of the Mexican Health System to participate to the solution of national health problems, favoring the participation and leadership of young scientists.

View the full roster of FOCIS Centers of Excellence (FCE) locations here.

August 27, 2018